Monday, February 29, 2016

Speed Challenge Quiz

Ted Talk

  1. There are a lot of beautiful color in his shots.
  2. All of his pictures show beautiful shots of nature.
  3. His images have an amazing message about conservation, about saving the environment and animals.

  1. I like how the color of the sky gets darker at the top of the picture.
  2. This shot us amazing because of the colors and the clear horizon line.
  3. We used the iPhone 6 filter "Transfer".
  4. This was a challenge for us because it's really hard to get good shots on the Cal High campus.
  5. Color and balance were used in this image.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Abstract Images

  1. My favorite image is the one of the feather because you can see each strand of it.
  2. The image that shows the best use of the elements of art would have to be the stone surrounded by moss.
  3. The image of the feather has elements of repetition, pattern, and rhythm.
  4. My favorite image and filter combination are the ones of the stone surrounded by moss, the filter makes if look like the image is made out of glass.

Friday, February 12, 2016


My favorite picture is the first one, where you can see through the branches of the tree.
  1. I tried to use the rule of thirds, I used the sky of emphasis.
  2. I used several principles of design in this picture, you can see the texture of the branches and the color of the sky. There's balance between the branches and the houses/trees and you can see the pattern of one tree after another.
  3. I shot this picture in the late morning, around 9:00 or 9:30am. I would have liked to have shot either earlier or later at night, I feel that the photo might have been more interesting at these times.
  4. I used the branches as the foreground and the houses as the background, which was a little different since the foreground was on top and the background was on the bottom.

Edge Burn

Channel Mixer

Lab Color Method

Gradient Map


  1. The method that produced the best result for me was the channel mixer method.
  2. I achieved a rather big value range with each image, the best one was the channel mixer one since you can see more white.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Macro Lens

  1. I really enjoyed using the macro lens to get a super zoomed in shot.
  2. My favorite shot would have to be the one of the moss because it's so focused and it looks like a perfect circle.
  3. The picture of the dried up flowers probably shows the best use of the rule of thirds.