Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

Ant Looking at Food

Bird's Eye View

3 Year Old Looking Up



Standing Out





Part of Building

Detail of Building


Person with Busy Background

Person with Still Background

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Complementary Art

Space & Texture

  1. My favorite texture image is the rust one. You can see all the detail of the drain as well as the different colors. You can also imagine how it would feel to touch it.
  2. My favorite space image is the one of the quad. I like how you can really see the different levels of the background. 

Friday, September 11, 2015


  1. My favorite photo is the cyan one, which is the butterfly drinking from the sponge, because you can see the cyan in both the sponge an the butterfly's wings.
  2. I believe my value shot shows good greyscale range because it varies from the black of his shirt and glasses, to the whiteness of the wall and the logo on his shirt.

Friday, September 4, 2015

5/5 Post

  1. My favorite thing about my shots is that I took the pictures. Whether they're good or bad, they're my pictures.
  2. My favorite of my shots is the one looking up through the branches of the tree. 
  3. I wish I could take more time taking my pictures, I also wish the lighting was better in my pictures.
  4. My favorite shot that I wish I took is the picture of the blue ice cave. The lighting of the picture is really good and shows the beauty of the cave.